21 July 2007

Healing Service

When Jesus sent his disciples out as ministers of his Gospel, he gave them several commands. One such command of the Lord was to heal the sick. Jesus never commands that which is not possible. By keeping his commands, we profess our belief in his Word. As believers and disciples we have the power to do those things that will bring glory to the Father in heaven and cause those who see to believe. Because this command to heal is primary in Christ Jesus' instructions to those he sends out, the Order of Penance will always respond to the call of those in need of healing. In January, we were asked to partake in a Healing Service organized by the Sons and Daughters of the Sacred Heart. ( You can see the blog post about that service here http://orderofpenanceofsaintdominic.blogspot.com/2007/01/come-holy-spirit-come.html ) It was a great honor to have the opportunity to proclaim the Father's love at that service.

On the first Friday of August, the OPD will again participate in a healing service organized by the Sons and Daughters of the Sacred Heart.

Where: St. Maron Maronite Church 1010 Ellsworth St. Philadelphia, PA
call for directions: 215 389-1300

Time: Rosary, Holy Hour, andSacrament of Penancebegin at 5:30pm
Eucharistic Liturgy begins at 7:00pm, celebrant: Fr. Ed Duran
Healing Servicefollows the Liturgy, healing minister: Bro. Tomas-Martin Bell, OPD

Bro. Tomas will be available during the devotions for private conferences.

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We profess the Gospel of Christ and love for the Traditions of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, founded by Jesus and preserved by the Church and her bishops. May the Love of God guide us.

Hold My Hand