Br. Tomas-Martin Bell, OPD became a catholic cleric at the hands of Bishop Robert Fidelis, O.P. His Excellency is a Traditionalist Dominican Bishop. Br. Tomas expressed to the community his thoughts about the grace he was given in becoming a catholic cleric and receiving minors orders at the hands of Bishop Fidelis: "I was both humbled and honored to have the opportunity to meet the Bishop. Then, when my own Bishop informed me that Bishop Fidelis would be the prelate who would make me a cleric and impose minor orders on me, I was grateful to God. Having Bishop Fidelis ordain me to Minor Orders was a great grace. I also had the opportunity to be present when Bishop offered Mass in the traditional Dominican Rite. I thank God for the privilege of being able to see Bishop offer Mass. The night before, Bishop knocked on my door to tell me that he would be offering the Mass for my intentions. I was at once, humbled to be given such blessing from God. Bishop Fidelis was so kind. He has a gentleness about him that exudes the love of Christ. For the gift of his ministry to me and to the Church, I will always be grateful to God. I pray for his continued health and longevity in ministry."
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